A Diaper Bank in Every Community of Need in California
SupplyBank.org is supporting a state budget allocation of $30 million over three years for diaper and wipe distribution in the 2023-2024 California State Budget.

This critical investment will expand the existing Diaper Bank Program to provide a statewide reach through current efforts administered by SupplyBank.org and hundreds of local agencies. The expansion will provide diapers to families in need, create jobs for the families it serves, and improve the State’s ability to respond to emergency supply needs during disasters. The design of this proposal is to supplement the existing Diaper Bank Program established by the Legislature by Assemblymember in 2018 and expanded to eight counties in 2021. The design of this proposal is to create a complete 58-county statewide approach. It will also leverage the infrastructure set up by SupplyBank.org during its pandemic response, which distributed nearly $28 million worth of diapers and wipes.