SupplyBank.org works through trusted local partnerships to strengthen the social safety net and deliver essential supplies to children and families in need.

All people have the essential supplies they need.

2009 as K to College distributing backpacks, grade-appropriate school supplies, and dental kits to students in the San Francisco Bay area.

K to College: distributing grade-appropriate school supplies and dental kits to students in preschool and elementary school through high school.

Period Supply Program: distributing menstrual hygiene products to teens and women throughout California.

Supplies for Nonprofits: SupplyBank.org works with a network of nonprofit organizations to distribute essential goods to communities in need throughout the state of California

Disaster Response: SupplyBank.org has transformed the response to disasters by creating a systematic, scalable, verifiable way to meet the needs of the most under-resourced  members of our community in the wake of disasters such as fires, earthquakes, and the recent pandemic.

SupplyBank.org provides vital essential goods to families in need in partnership with a network of more than 500 organizations that share the vision of strengthening pathways to self-sufficiency. We procure essential goods at approximately 1/3 of the in-store cost by purchasing in bulk. This enables SupplyBank.org to assist more than double the number of families served through the traditional channel of purchasing items at retail price.

Unlike Goodwill or the Salvation Army, SupplyBank.org does not distribute pre-owned, pre-used items. We purchase items in bulk directly from manufacturers and other suppliers or receive large volumes of in-kind gifts that are new items.

SupplyBank.org does not accept donations of material goods such as school supplies, diapers, and period products. We pool resources and purchase in bulk directly from manufacturers at a cost that enables us to serve three times the numbers of individuals at the same financial investment as traditional distribution programs. SupplyBank.org does accept financial donations.

There are several ways an individual or a company can support SupplyBank.org.

Make a Financial Donation

SupplyBank.org welcomes financial donations. Every $1 donated provides more than $3 worth of supplies. All donations are tax deductible.

  • $1 supplies one child with a toothbrush, toothpaste & floss for a year
  • $10 supplies one baby with diapers and baby wipes for a month
  • $20 supplies one student with school supplies for a year
Volunteer at a SupplyBank.org Event

SupplyBank.org hosts several events annually. We encourage corporations to participate through their community outreach programs, but also welcome individual volunteers. Please contact us to be notified about our next event.

Spread the Word

Let others know about the work of SupplyBank.org by sharing links to our webpage and promoting events and news stories through social media.

Recognizing that SupplyBank.org’s model to access essential supplies is effective, state agencies across California looked to the organization to lead in the distribution of $351.7 million in such vital supplies as N95 masks, soap, hand sanitizer, cleaners, infrared thermometers, gloves, and other items essential to stopping the spread of the virus.

Now our emergency response in post pandemic is leading us in the focus for SupplyBank.org’s next decade of service to the state of California.